Wednesday, 15 June 2016

19 Months Old

19 months old looks a lot like 18 months old but we are now on the other side of the 18 month sleep regression. Little Critter slept his first 12+ hour night last week and nearly gave me a heart attack... you hit a certain point and your motherly imagination starts playing scenarios of suffocation and such and you have to go in and check on him... and he was just waking up... rubbing his sleepy little eyes blissfully unaware that anything abnormal had happened.

His now established favourite place to be is the beach, which he refers to as: beach! lake! sand! water! stairs! slide! and my personal favourite "biiiiggg dirt!" We go to the beach almost every morning for a few hours and I expect it will never get old... it will only get more exciting as the crowds start arriving after school gets out in a few weeks. He always expresses his disappointment when we show up and there aren't any other people around yet. "Kids all gone..." and "Where people?"

He has been learning about "Seagull-birds" as he calls them. And he can now do a semi-consistent seagull imitation that has earned him compliments from passers-by.

He is getting ever-more confident in the lake and today he was up to his waist... still in his sweatpants. I'm going to have to put that kid in a bathing suit soon, but the weather hasn't really been hot enough to warrant less clothing so swimming in sweatpants has been the norm.

He loves the park at the beach. It has the child-height-railing for the stairs so he can step right up them like a big person, and he has learned to do the slide by himself this month which is pretty exciting for everyone.

One last highlight: last weekend Grandpa put up his driftwood horse swing complete with saddle. Little Critter knew it was a horse the minute he saw it (even before the saddle went on) and he said, "Horsey! Horse!" Then made the clicking sound with his tongue that is a horse clip clopping. Then he was silent for a few seconds... looked thoughtful and added, "bird?" I guess a swinging horse is confusing that way. So Critter has a Pegasus swing. Just look at that determined little jockey's face.